We welcome you on a site of the National actress of Moldova, Honored actress of Russia, the Winner of the international competitions, singer Maria Codrianu. Here you can learn about her life and activity on a scene in section the biography - "BIO" as some fragments from memories here are presented Maria in history section - "Stories" and some newspaper articles about it. We invite to hear and free of charge to "download" for house listening of product in its execution, (in gratitude make a trifle - see advertising:). Lately unfair people multiply some piracy albums with songs performed by M.Codrianu, - except for an album "Dialogue", - without it, naturally, the consent, the decision to lay out here many songs for free downloading therefore is accepted! - in section "Music". Do not forget to glance in our photo album - "Fotos", here you will find some of the remained photos. It is pleasant that you have visited us and we will be very grateful, if you leave the remarks and wishes in the Guest book. On a page there will be new notes, memoirs and songs in a format mp3.

"To listen to Maria Codrianu, to meet it, to get on its concerts was always great happiness..."
The National actor of Soviet Union, composer Evgenie Doga.